Homework help
Need a private tutor ?
Take advantage of our private tutoring service available to all students, regardless of the subject or of the grade level.
- No contracts
The homework help and school support service is intended to provide weekly meetings during the homework and lesson period. The tutor’s goal is to guide the student all throughout the school year in order to answer his or her questions, to transmit efficient studying methods and to offer helpful advice.
Moreover, as the sessions take place on a regular basis, they allow the student and the tutor to create a connection. It is particularly this developing complicity which creates the greatest improvements, both for the student’s motivation and for his or her school results.
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Is your schedule overloaded ? Are you used to working late at night ? In this case, in-home tutoring is a service tailored for you ! By taking advantage of this service, your child will have the opportunity to do his or her homework directly at home, after school. This will allow your kid to benefit from qualified help while maximizing your own time. Depending on your needs, the tutor can meet your child at home, school or even at your local library.
In your family, homework rhymes with tensions, stress and bickering ? In fact, school is one of the main causes of family conflicts. Often these tensions unfortunately result in a loss of motivation from the student and a decline in his or her academic performance. The help of a tutor therefore makes it possible to separate the school from the family. Being a university student himself or herself, the tutor isn’t much older than the student. This age proximity therefore makes it possible to develop a “mentor” relationship. Then, homework time becomes an enjoyable activity rather than a task. In 95% of the cases, using a private tutor results in a growing interest of the student for his or her studies, as well as an increase in academic results.
This service is also beneficial for your relationship with your child, which improves as a result of the disappearance of conflicts. You can then devote the time spent with your child performing fun activities that will develop your complicity and your relationship. In short, everyone’s a winner !
See what they are saying
Last year Madame Laurence had helped my son with his math and French homework. This year Mrs. Soledad is helping my son with his learning in mathematics and French.
Tutorax far exceeded my expectations. We had tried another tutoring service and were disappointed. Friendly and efficient service from the first phone call. My son had his first session with Theertana this past weekend and already learned a lot. He requested that I book further sessions with her.
A first tutoring session for my son which went very well. Very professional tutor who gives students confidence.
Addison is more than professional and we were all very impressed by her dedication. My child had a lot of topics to catch up but she stays patient with him every lesson. You really have an incredible tutor in your organization. We will definitely continue with Tutorax!
Joffrey shows professionalism, seriousness and great teaching skills towards my grandchild. We tried different tutors in the last years but Tutorax really is the perfect fit!
My daughter loves her tutoring lessons. Alexandra confirmed the meetings the day before and she always makes sure to ask about the difficulties in order to prepare exercises. She is punctual and is always available between tutoring lessons if my daughter has any questions. Great experience with Tutorax.
Questions & Answers
How often and for how long are the lessons held ?
At Tutorax, there is no obligated amount of hours. Each student has different needs, so you are free to tailor the frequency and duration of the sessions to whatever works best for your child.
How does billing work ?
Payments are made with a credit card. Bills are sent on a weekly basis, every Thursday.
Are the tutoring services eligible for tax deduction ?
Yes, tutoring services are eligible for tax deduction. Moreover, a portion of the costs associated with our services may be reimbursed by certain insurance plans. We invite you to contact your insurance company for more information.
How long does it take before I get my first tutoring lesson ?
Once you’ve completed your registration, Tutorax guarantees to find you a tutor in less than seven days for in-home tutoring and 24 to 48 hours for virtual tutoring service.
Find the right tutor !
Do you want to benefit from homework help to consolidate your child’s learnings ? The first step is to call us or fill out the registration form, so we can discuss your needs !
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- Tutorax
- Homework help