
Let's pair you with the perfect tutor today


Private tutors from top universities

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Why choose our private tutoring service?

Our tutoring service in Ontario helps students at all grade levels prevent academic failure on a regular basis. Our qualified tutors work on misunderstood concepts individually with students by providing them the best learning tools for any subject and effective study techniques applicable throughout their entire academic journey! The role of a tutor is of course to help students improve their grades, but also to increase their confidence and motivation at school.




We take pride in choosing the best tutor for each student. Interpersonal skills and positivity is also a must for our tutors!

10 000+



Tutorax helped thousands of students with their homework. 95% of them improved their grades in elementary, highschool or college

No Contract, No Commitment

You have no contract obligation attached to our services. Opt-out without any commitment & at any time if necessary

Get a qualified tutor at your home or online

Available for any grade level

Get a qualified tutor at your home or online

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©2024 Tutorax. All rights reserved.

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Obtenez une séance d'orthopédagogie rapidement

*Nous recevons actuellement un nombre élevé d'appels. Si notre équipe ne répond pas à votre appel rapidement, nous vous contacterons dans les prochaines 24 heures.

Need a tutor ASAP?

*We are experiencing a high volume of calls at the moment. If we don't answer your call immediately, we will contact you in the next 24 hours.