How To Catch Up on Academic Delay

Preteen girl wearing headphones and studying

Have you ever witnessed the snowball effect of being behind in school? It sets in unnoticed, then suddenly it becomes omnipresent. At a certain point, it can get so bad that catching up seems unrealistic. Rest assured, there are ways to get back on track, no matter how behind your child is.


Aim For Long-Term Improvement

Falling behind in school can put a lot of pressure on your child but on you as well. However, keep in mind that academic delay can always be caught up with the right amount of time and attention. Obviously, since the workload can be quite heavy, you can’t expect to fix everything overnight! That’s why it’s best to have a long-term perspective and to take it step by step. Prioritize with your child and work on one task at a time (starting with the hardest). This distribution of energy ensures a much more effective remediation.


Adopt New Strategies

Being behind in school is the perfect time to reflect on our habits. Which ones are useful? Which ones need to be addressed or replaced? Here are some to incorporate to combat academic delay:

  • Plan homework ahead of time.
  • Establish a study routine (i.e., do homework at the same time, in the same place and in a quiet environment).
  • Work in small chunks of time to avoid burnout.
  • Encourage your child to ask questions to their teacher (any question is a good question!).
  • Show up for remedial periods if it’s an available option.
  • Complete extra assignments.
  • Review class notes each night.


Your Role as A Parent

When your child is behind in school, it can be tempting to supervise their every move. While the pressure your child is under may rub off on you, as a parent, try to rather adopt an encouraging attitude.

  • Listen and lighten the situation: understand your child’s concerns while showing them that there are solutions.
  • Give your child responsibility: don’t do everything for them.
  • Stay informed: know how your child is progressing, if they need extra help, etc.

Since being behind in school is already a heavy burden for your child, punishment will only add to it. Therefore, the best way to help is to coach them and act as a resource.


Getting Help from A Tutor

There are many reasons to use a tutor and being behind in school is one of them. Tutoring is an effective way to combat academic delays because tutors will adapt their sessions to your child’s needs. Indeed, they provide personalized support and can adjust to your child’s pace, no matter how behind they are. This individual follow-up allows for rapid and encouraging progress. Finally, to prevent your child from falling behind in school in the future, a tutor can also provide them with organizational and study strategies that will be useful throughout their life.

Do you think your child could benefit from the help of a tutor? Get started now by filling our form!

Do You Need a Tutor?


Whether academic delay is big or small, know that there are always ways to catch up and  with your support, your child can do it!