What are improper fractions and mixed numbers?

Fractions were originally used in 1600 BC in Ancient Egypt, making the concept fairly old. There are various forms of fractions. A proper fraction...

How do you rename a fraction?

Each fraction has a variety of names that we may need to use in different scenarios. For example, the number 1 has a lot...

What exactly are factors?

For many students, maths is the one subject in school that they find the most difficult to understand. However, once you put your mind...

How to find common multiples of a number?

In this article, we cover the world of multiples. The main focus, however, is on what the lowest common multiple is. All the information...

What exactly are fractions?

Every day we work with fractions but may not realize it. With that in mind, what is a fraction? In this article, we go...

How to add and subtract fractions?

The basic mathematical procedures of addition and subtraction are also relevant to fractions. Because we take distinct steps in each situation, it is vital...

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