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A tutoring service accessible to all, regardless of the subject or grade level.

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Everything you need to succeed

Qualified tutors & professionals

Competitive prices

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Satisfied parents & students

See what they are saying

Esteban Mayo
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Great tutoring service for about 3 months and i see an amazing difference in my daughter’s writing skills. I wasn’t sure to ask for tutoring at Tutorax but my child keeps getting better and has fun for the entire hour
Rob Tang
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Brenda is loving her tutoring classes and has more confidence in english every since she started at Tutorax! Thank you Linda for your strategic tutoring skills, I am very thankful!
Sarah Panchak
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Our high school son needs help with homework and study time. Tutorax found a young college tutor very quickly and she is very attentive to our son's needs. We are surprised and pleased with the quality of the tutoring service. Thank you so much!
Cora Greco
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With Tutorax we have seen a big improvement in the subjects my son is getting tutoring in. Great staff and outstanding tutoring service
Anika Arosio
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I have greatly enjoyed my experience with Tutorax. My son enjoys his tutoring sessions with Kent. I appreciate the follow-ups for tutoring and the flexible schedule. Definitely worth the try.
Mattea Eramo
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My tutor is professional, easy to talk to and helps me every tutoring session. I am very happy with the service so far. I recommend trying Tutorax for any tutoring subject


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Private Tutoring & Homework Help

Do you need the help of a tutor to help your child? Fill out the online registration form or give us a call so we can discuss your needs.

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*Nous recevons actuellement un nombre élevé d'appels. Si notre équipe ne répond pas à votre appel rapidement, nous vous contacterons dans les prochaines 24 heures.

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*We are experiencing a high volume of calls at the moment. If we don't answer your call immediately, we will contact you in the next 24 hours.