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Tutoring service and homework assistance

The tutoring is offered to all children from  the Shine Through The Rain Foundation.
*No file opening fee($30 value)

This service is offered by Tutorax in collaboration with the
Shine Through The Rain Foundation

Get help from a qualified tutor!

Our tutoring service is offered to children from the Shine Through The Rain Foundation. The tutoring service is available 7 days a week in all subjects (math, English, French & more).

Tutoring allows students to get personalized support to consolidate their learning and develop study strategies. The tutor’s role is to help the student improve his/her results, but also to increase his/her confidence and motivation at school.

Online Tutoring Service

Available in all subjects


No file opening fee ($30 value)

The lessons are offered to all children from the Shine Through The Rain Foundation.

Online Tutoring

Tutorax offers tutoring tailored to the student’s needs using an interactive platform specialized for online tutoring. With the integration of a whiteboard, a text editor, and a math formula integration tool, the online sessions allow the student to benefit from quality courses.


Frequently asked questions

Yes, your child will benefit from the help of a private tutor. The sessions will be one-on-one between your child and his/her tutor.

The cost for online tutoring and homework help is $37. In addition, for all Shine Through The Rain children, there is no application fee ($30 value).

The tutoring service is available 7 days a week.

You can choose to have your sessions on weeknights after school or on weekends.

Following your registration, it is possible to get help from a tutor within 24-48 hours.

You have more questions?

Obtenez une séance d'orthophonie/ASL rapidement

*Nous recevons actuellement un nombre élevé d'appels. Si notre équipe ne répond pas à votre appel rapidement, nous vous contacterons dans les prochaines 24 heures.

Obtenez une séance d'orthopédagogie rapidement

*Nous recevons actuellement un nombre élevé d'appels. Si notre équipe ne répond pas à votre appel rapidement, nous vous contacterons dans les prochaines 24 heures.

Need a tutor ASAP?

*We are experiencing a high volume of calls at the moment. If we don't answer your call immediately, we will contact you in the next 24 hours.